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hye assalamualaikum ! thank to visit my blog . tinggalkan jejak dengan follow:)

Annyeonghaseyo! The name's Anis Syazwanie Ahmad.I'm sweet 15teen y/o body .

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Skin made by Vanila zen's. background from Cute background favicon from baby doll my header by Adobe Photoshop CS5
Best view in Google Credit By Vanila zen's have fun yeah♥


flash blockquote
Friday, July 8, 2011 | 0 comments

hye ,,ape khabr smua ,, siht kew
ha now nk buat tutorial blockquote nie tutorial request dri azreen

1. Dashboard >Design>Edit HTML >Expand Widget Templates
2.then , tekan serentak ctrl + F and cari code bwh nie

.post blockquote{

3. then , korang copy code bwh nie di bwh code nie .post blockquote{ :

background:url(LETAK URLGMBA); padding:5px;Border:2px dashed #00000;colour:#FFFFFF}blockquote:hover {background: url(LETAK URLGMBA) repeat right bottom ;border:2px dashed #000000;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;}

*yg colour merah tu cari larh code colour yg korang nk k di sini
*colour biru tu masukn background yg korng sukew k  !
4.save and preview duluw k .,

ok care2 nk gunew korang tgok pic bwh nie k
(klau nak bg besar klik dua kli k)

step 1 : korang highlight text korang and tekan yg syaza bulatkn merah tu ok
klik sekali jew tau t dye jd double lak .,

 highlight and tekan yg nie so dh siap save !!